How Far Away is Muskegon from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan?

Discover how far away Muskegon is from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan and why it's the perfect destination for your next adventure.

How Far Away is Muskegon from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan?

Are you looking for a great day trip or weekend getaway from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan? If so, you're in luck! There are plenty of cities within a short driving distance from Bloomfield Hills that are perfect for a quick getaway. If you're looking for a quick escape, try searching within a 2 and a half hour radius. You'll find plenty of great spots to explore. If you're willing to drive further, try searching within a 3 and a half hour radius.

You'll find even more great places to visit. But what if you have access to a private jet? How far can you get from Bloomfield Hills in the fastest possible time? The straight line distance between Bloomfield Hills and Muskegon, Michigan is approximately 97 miles. If you were to fly in a private jet, it would take you about an hour and five minutes to get there. So if you're looking for an exciting weekend getaway or day trip from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, consider Muskegon! With its beautiful beaches and exciting attractions, it's the perfect destination for your next adventure.

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